quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

Nicki Minaj Involved in Altercation with Her Assistant

Now, only because she is rich and has a reputation, he thinks that he can quit hitting on It doesn’t matter. is it creates shame on her face pulled and never more makes this nick minaj
Yesterday (July 12), rumor spread that Nicki Minaj had been involved in a verbal altercation with a young man that turned physical.
Nicki Minaj got into a verbal altercation with an unidentified male at the Palomar Hotel in Dallas, TX, according to TMZ. The argument began poolside and ended with the two in a hotel room were the man, now identified as Nicki Minaj's assistant, Safaree Samuels, allegedly hit her in the lower lip.

Early this morning (July 13), Nicki Minaj took to twitter to fight the rumor, tweeting, "The fact that you believe a man either slapped or punched me in the face & didn't leave on a stretcher w/his balls handgun off? #getaF*ckinLife."
Safaree also took to Twitter to address the matter, "4the record I would never lay a hand on ANY woman, I have all sisters and No brothers And that's the last I'll say about that!!! God bless."

Close to six hours later, TMZ released the official incident report which documents the altercation between Nicki and Safaree which took place on July 11 but reported July 12.

"R/os [reporting officers] spoke with the Complainant [Nicki Minaj], who stated a verbal altercation took place at the location at the pool. When [Minaj], returned to her hotel room, Witness 1 [Safaree Samuels] was also back at the room. [Samuels] was also staying in the hotel room with the comp. [Minaj] told [Samuels] that she didn't want him taking anything out of the room. [Samuels] had some of his personal belongings in a suitcase, and as [Minaj] was looking into the suitcase, [Samuels] grabbed the suitcase and as he was picking it up, he shoved the suitcase across [Minaj's] chin and lower lip."

The report continues to describe Nicki Minaj's injury.
"Reporting officers observed slight swelling and redness to [Minaj's] chin. [Minaj's] teeth struck the inside of her lower lip, causing the inside of the lower lip to cut and start to bleed."

Nicki Minaj told the officers that she did not want to "make a report regarding the incident" and stated "multiple times" that she and Safaree were not in an "intimate relationship" nor related.

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