quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011

Lady Gaga says that Bad Romance And its best music

She also has great affection for  "Poker face"and " Yoü And I"

Lady Gaga letrasLady Gaga said that Bad Romance and best song already written by her. The question was made by the site Popdust.The singer also said that also adores Poker Face and its more new single " Yoü And I".
On Bad Romance she says that the song has a special place in his heart to have meaning to the "Little Monsters" when it was launched. "I also think  " Yoü And I" And one of the best songs written by me. As For the third i think that i must quote Poker Face, But see, i always have different views on different songs at different times," continued the singer.
"I could talk about that "Fooled Me Again" And one of the best things that i wrote, and she is not in an album ( ... ) but i probably would say that Poker Face and the third (best) music." completed the star.

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